The Area Inside the East Gate

The arched structure visible today dates to the rebuilding of that period; the original doorway of the 4th century BC is to be found at a depth of about 2.50 m beneath the later phase, clear evidence of the considerable rise in the level of the road which occurred between the two eras.
Inside the East Gate is an interesting complex of monuments, which date to various phases in the history of Iasos. One is the sanctuary of Zeus Megistos, the most important in the city together with that of Artemias Astias. Clear traces of the urban restructuring of the Hellenistic period are also visible. Other buildings date to late antiquity and the Byzantine period: particularly well preserved is that situated to the left of the gate, which displays the use of brick in masonry, typical of the late Roman period.
The earliest (ceramic) finds from this area, however, go back to the Chalcolithic or perhaps Early Bronze Age I. Exploratory trenches also revealed pottery and structures assignable to the Late Bronze Age, mostly to the period of Mycenaean influence (15th - 12th centuries BC).
The earliest (ceramic) finds from this area, however, go back to the Chalcolithic or perhaps Early Bronze Age I.
Exploratory trenches also revealed pottery and structures assignable to the Late Bronze Age, mostly to the period of Mycenaean influence (15th - 12th centuries BC).