The Castrum of the Acropolis


  It delimits a large trapezoidal area, which includes a cistern, also from the Byzantine period, and, to the northwest, the scarcely visible traces of a small temple, probably Hellenistic. These traces consist merely of cuttings in the rock for the support of the masonry. The wall is reinforced with fourteen semicircular and square towers, which alternate on the most exposed sides, but not on the west side, which is situated along the contour of the naturally steep rock face. Much earlier material was recycled for its construction: on the east side one can see column drums and other architectural elements from earlier buildings. The fortification has two entrances: the main one, to the north, is flanked by two square towers.


The scarcely visible traces of a small temple, probably Hellenistic.

On the east side one can see column drums and other architectural elements from earlier buildings.


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Selçuk University
Faculty of Literature - Department of Archeology
Selçuklu/ Konya



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